To watch William Streppone’s videos, click on the links below:
William Streppone, immigration attorney, smashes the old myth that giving illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship is somehow rewarding bad behavior. He argues that they’re already here and been here for years. It’s a kind of amnesty by default. Instead let’s resolve the problem instead of just talking about it!
William Streppone, immigration attorney, destroys the myth that if we create a pathway to citizenship it will create an incentive for more illegal immigrants to come into our country. The myth sounds reasonable and is often repeated, but when you look at the issue closely it becomes clear it is simply a myth . William Streppone explains in more detail in the above video.
William Streppone explains that both conservatives and liberals want to resolve the problem. William Streppone, immigration attorney, argues that conservatives that just say deport them all are really not conservatives. He says they are just throwing red meat to people who never want to resolve the problem.
Immigration attorney, William Streppone, suggests a humane solution to the more than 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States. Instead of spending more than 400 billion dollars to deport them all, William Streppone argues that we should be putting money in our treasury. He gives examples on how to do this. More importantly, a humane approach is the right approach.
Immigration attorney, William Streppone, suggests a humane solution to the more than 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States. Instead of spending more than 400 billion dollars to deport them all, William Streppone argues that we should be putting money in our treasury.
What is the rule of law? Immigration attorney, William Streppone, argues that the rule of law is not only the statues written in books, but also takes into account extenuating circumstances before rendering punishment. Within the rule of law is also mercy and grace depending on the circumstances. The greatest rule of law ever written is “Do unto others as you want done unto yourself.”
Have you ever heard the statement, “All we have to do is enforce the laws already on the books? Unfortunately, the problem is so big enforcing the laws on the books will never work. Immigration attorney, William Streppone, explains we do not have the resources to handle the problem. We must find a humane way to deal with the issue. The laws on the books were not designed to handle the problem of 20 million illegal immigrants.
Have you ever heard the statement, “All we have to do is enforce the laws already on the books? Unfortunately, the problem is so big enforcing the laws on the books will never work. Immigration attorney, William Streppone, explains we do not have the resources to handle the problem. We must find a humane way to deal with the issue. The laws on the books were not designed to handle the problem of 20 million illegal immigrants.
William Streppone, immigration attorney, discusses e verify. Immigration attorney, William Streppone, explains why e verify is not a good idea at this time. The reason it is not a good idea is it will negatively affect not only the illegal immigrant but also American citizens.
Immigration attorney, William Streppone, argues that deportation is NOT the answer. It is not only impractical but also inhumane, If you look at the cost to deport; the litigation involved; the facilities necessary to house 20 million illegal immigrants, there must be a better way. It’s amazing that many people rather spend billions of dollars rather than take a humane approach.
In the clip above, William Streppone talks about why he believes we must apply a humane approach to resolve the illegal immigration problem. He explains, in a parable he created, why it would be unfair to deport illegal immigrants even though they came into the United States illegally. After hearing Mr. Streppone’s reasoning, it becomes clear that there is a strong argument against deportation.

If you have been hurt in an accident or by a product, you may be entitled to a cash reward. It is important to have an attorney who understands your legal status in the United States guide you through these types of cases while protecting your rights so you receive the compensation you are entitled to.
Contact Us – NY Immigration Law Firm
If you are you or a family member is struggling with an immigration law problem, call Long Island immigration attorney William Streppone at (631)265-3988 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your situation and learn how our experience can benefit you.
You may also contact us online, to contact us about your legal problem.