Religious Worker Visas
Long Island Immigration Attorney
In 1990, Congress created the R1 visa, a special immigrant status for foreign nationals coming to the U.S. to perform duties of a religious worker.
R1 visa applicants are required to prove that they have been a member of a religious denomination for at least two years and that they intend to work at a qualified organization as either a minister, religious professional, or engage in some other religious work.

If you have been hurt in an accident or by a product, you may be entitled to a cash reward. It is important to have an attorney who understands your legal status in the United States guide you through these types of cases while protecting your rights so you receive the compensation you are entitled to.
Nassau County and Suffolk County R1 Visa Lawyer
The phrase religious denomination denotes any religious group or community of believers with some form of ecclesiastical government, a creed or statement of belief, worship of some kind, religious services and ceremonies, a formal or informal code of doctrine and discipline, established locations for worship, or similar indicia of a bona fide religious denomination.
The definition is not very limiting. Buddhist monks, for example, qualify as members of a religious denomination. Tax-exempt interdenominational organizations also can qualify. Lay ministers, on the other hand, may not qualify unless they are authorized by an organization.
R1 Visas Allow Significant Flexibility
- R1 holders need not maintain a residence in their native country while in the U.S.
- They are free to exit and re-enter the U.S. without restrictions.
- They are allowed to accept payment for their services in the U.S.
- They may bring their spouse and children with them. (The spouse and children must apply for the R2 visa.)
- They may change religious employers while in the U.S.
Information about EB4 Special Immigrant Visas
The EB4 visa is for a special grouping of immigrants that includes religious workers, broadcasters, Iraqi/Afghan translators, Iraqis who have assisted the United States, international organization employees, physicians, armed forces members, Panama Canal zone employees, retired NATO-6 employees, along with spouses and children of deceased NATO-6 employees.
Contact a New York Immigration Attorney
For more information about both R1 and EB4 visas, call Long Island Law Offices of William A. Streppone at (631) 265-3988. We offer free initial consultation to discuss your visa requirements.
You may also use our online form, to contact us about your legal problem.