Immigration Reform, The Failure To Compromise

Let me start out by saying there are people on both sides of the immigration debate who are equally passionate in their arguments and equally love this country. To be on either side of the argument doesn’t make you more or less American. In fact, having a serious debate on any important subject is a very American thing to do. Sometimes I think we forget we live in America. What do I mean? I mean there are many differing views on many subjects and no one person gets to decide. We all have to decide together. Which means often times we have to compromise. Unfortunately, the word compromise is no longer in our vocabulary. It has become a dirty word or a sign of weakness. It has been said that a person who never compromises is a strong person. I have news for you. The Constitution of the United States would never have been adopted if it weren’t for people who were willing to compromise. Would you consider our founding fathers to be a strong group of people or weak? I submit to you they were the strongest most dedicated group of people ever to assemble for the purpose of uniting the states and resolving the problems associated with forming the United States of America. Yet resolving those issues would never have been possible without compromise. The foundation of the United States of America was built on compromise. There would be no United States of America without it. I’m not talking about compromising your core values. One should never compromise on their faith, family, friends, or what makes them...

America Has An Absolute Right To Protect Its Borders However!

I believe America has an absolute right to protect its borders. To have an open border policy would be a violation of our democracy. It would mean that people who don’t pay taxes and contribute to our healthcare system would have just about all the rights Americans have without contributing to our way of life. An open door policy would render any vote on immigration reform meaningless if we can’t control our boarders. However – and there is a big however here. What the republicans in the house did last night just highlights why they lost the presidency and may lose it again in 2016. The economy is horrible; Obamacare is a failure; and our foreign policy is a disaster, and yet President Obama won a second term. It seems the only word the republicans know when it comes to immigration reform is “deportation”. It is absolutely amazing to me that the bill they passed in the house yesterday mainly focuses on deportation. They just can’t seem to figure out how to secure our boarders and be humane at the same time. The fact is if Mitt Romney received the same votes from the Hispanic community than President Bush did in 2004 he would be president today. However, it’s pretty difficult to win the Hispanic vote when your policy is to deport grandma! So what do we do about the recent inflow of children coming through our southern border? We should take care of them in a humane manner. It really is that simple. Don’t miss understand me. I didn’t say the children should stay in the U.S. forever....